Author Archives: Team LegalWindow

Liability for an OPC

Liability for an OPC

An important step towards the registration of One Person Company under the Companies Act, 2013 is that it makes possible for one person to form…
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Difference Between Nidhi Company and Micro Finance Company

A Complete Difference Between Nidhi Company and Micro Finance Company

Nidhi and Microfinance Companies work in diverse areas of finance, assisting different categories of people. Despite the fact that they both work in…
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Key Metrics to Include in Your Pitch Deck

What are the Key Metrics to Include in Your Pitch Deck?

Understanding the main metrics to include in a pitch deck is critical for entrepreneurs seeking investment for their new ventures. A pitch deck…
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What is Indirect Tax

What is Indirect Tax? Understand the Types, Features, and Filing Here

Are you acquainted with the concept of indirect taxes? Manufacturers purchase the goods and pay taxes in the form of indirect tax. The…
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